Quantum Teleportation, a break through in the world of Quantum Physics!

Adam Milton-Barker | Mar 21, 2015 | Quantum Physics | 10192


The idea of teleportation is something that most people would refer to as science fiction, many of us will know of teleportation more commonly from the popular sci-fi program Star Trek and no doubt when you hear the word you will instantly think of the phrase "Beam me up Scotty".

In my introduction article about Quantum Physics (https://www.techbubble.info/blog/quantum-physics/entry/what-is-quantum-physics) I explained that my research had lead me to Albert Einstein and his refusal to accept that Quantum Entanglement was real, as I mentioned in the article, Einstein had spent most of his adult life trying to disprove what he called Spooky Action At A Distance and actually failed.

Many of today’s scientists are carrying out work to try and prove that Einstein was indeed wrong about Entanglement and Quantum Physics as a whole.

Last year the New York Times, and many other newspapers, reported that scientists at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, (Delft University of Technology) in the Netherlands had written a paper about a break through in Quantum Physics which stated that they had successfully teleported data from one quantum bit to another about 10 feet away. This type of teleportation is far from the idea portrayed in Star Trek, but is on the right track to get us there.

To explain a little about what bits are, a classical bit is a binary unit that stores data in the computers that we have today. Binary digits (bits) can have a value of 1 or 0. In Quantum Physics a quantum bit or also known as a Qubit can have any combination of values at one time, ie: 1 and 0 at the same time.

As mentioned above, the guys at Delft reported that they could accurately teleport the data over a 10 foot distance. Other scientists have reported successful teleportation in the past, for instance scientists teleported a photon or light quanta from La Palma to Tenerife, but the difference is that the physicists at Delft repeated the process numerous times with a 100% success rate, something that has not been known in the past. The data was teleported between the two quantum bits faster than the speed of light and now the new goal is to replicate this action over a greater distance of up to 1km.

If successful and maintaining the 100% success it would blow Einsteins objections out of the water and prove that entanglement and quantum mechanical theory are real. It will also lead us even closer to unlocking the secret to our entire universe.

How will this help us? The possibilities are endless but more obviously qubits will provide the next generation of computers with the power and speed to to massively increase the processing power of computing, it would allow Artficial Intelligence to get to the next stage in its evolution and will allow us to create ENTIRELY SECURE communication networks.

Check out the videos on this page for more information about the experiment and a deeper look into qubits.