Quantum Physics
The Quantum world is becoming very hard to deny! Entanglement and unhackable encryption, levitation, teleportation, parallel universes and the origins of our own universe are unfolding!
This blog is dedicated to progression of Quantum Physics and the modern and old theories that exist. For even more up to date information, photos and videos, check out the TechBubble Technologies Quantum Physics page on Facebook and join our community of over 1000 followers by clicking on the related link above.
Quantum Physics
Interview with Dr. Boaz Almog, founder of the company developing the technology behind Quantum Levitation
Sep 6, 2016 | 10013
Quantum Levitation, previously known as Quantum Experience LTD, was formed in 2012. The company develop ground breaking technologies using Quantum Physics, and ...
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Quantum Physics
The Quantum world is becoming very hard to deny! Entanglement and unhackable encryption – levitation – teleportation – parallel universes and the origins of our own universe are unfolding.
Oct 20, 2015 | 18470
It is no secret that I am a firm believer in the quantum world, I have written a number of articles over the last year or so related to not only my beliefs, but...
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Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics is finally proving to us that reality does not exist until someone looks at it!
Jul 14, 2015 | 8031
One of the most famous theories that has been floating around for some time now is that reality does not actually exist until it is measured. Yes you read it ri...
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Quantum Physics
How CERN plan to use the Large Hadron Collider to open portals to other dimensions, and possibly already have.
May 3, 2015 | 115274
The LHC was first fired up in September 2008 and in 2012 the machine was responsible for the discovery of the Higgs Boson, the God Particle.
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Quantum Physics
Is the world that we live in a hologram? Do we live in the matrix? Science seems to think so!
Apr 6, 2015 | 8544
A few years ago if anyone asked me the above questions I would laugh and call them crazy, as most people that are not familiar with Quantum Physics still will t...
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Quantum Physics
Quantum Teleportation, a break through in the world of Quantum Physics!
Mar 21, 2015 | 10193
Many of todays scientists are carrying out work to try and prove that Einstein was indeed wrong about Entanglement and Quantum Physics as a whole. Last year the...
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Quantum Physics
What is Quantum Physics
Feb 16, 2015 | 6584
Scientists are getting closer and closer to answering fundamental questions about our universe, including how it was created.
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